Saturday, September 18

8:00 a.m.
After a night of drinking beer with the Georgia delegation in front of the Sandrift Hotel, our intrepid webmaster starts an IV of coffee and ponders the beginning of a damp Saturday in central Florida...

The tiki bar: The DZs latest and best additionTo begin, Andy has done his homework, and anything that can be done has been done in preparation. The DZ is set up very nicely, with a small collection of mobile office buildings and a large banquet/DZTV tent placed across the taxiway from the manifest. The taxiway has been closed and a pair of buses will be moving jumpers from the usual boarding area to the end of the runway. Andy's latest and greatest addition to the DZ is the tiki bar in front of the restaurant, a very cool place despite the butt-killing toadstool chairs.

Andy was also very gracious in supplying OmniSkore with not one but TWO phone lines for our Internet coverage. I have one phone line just for pumping the DZTV webcam up, and the second for all other files. Among those "other files" is a newly updated feature that we haven't used in a while: scoring details for each team's jump. If you go the one of the results pages, you will find an index of teams in the form of Lilac is having WAY too much fun!a drop-down list in the upper right corner. Select a team number and it will take you to that team's page, with a photo of the team and the team member names. At the bottom of each team page you will find a link to that team's scoring summary; click on that link and you will see how that team has been scored by each judge. This page is generated by the OmniSkore processor and uploaded automatically in real time; you can see the team's score before they do!

11:00 a.m.
Rick D. stalking the Raeford girls
Official practice day -- today -- is touch and go with the clouds, and teams continue to stream through registration. OmniSkore is locked and loaded, the judges are warming up their bust buttons, and I'm off for my third cup of joe.

5:00 p.m.
It's been dodge-cloud city all afternoon, but most of the teams are getting in a practice jump or two. Airspeed has taken the day off, as well as the Knights. Space Center FX put in a couple of jumps. I've seen just about all of the teams I expected here and we are hopeful for around 50+ 4-way teams. If we can get this Florida weather to cooperate for a week, I think we'll have a terrific nationals.

 The packing area east of the main buildings